TSL has partnered with the following global brands to deliver world-class training to our clients.
1. Silega: Silega is a global training company focused exclusively on developing and delivering business simulations. The training programs are based on the Experiential Learning System™, which provides a higher retention rate than conventional training and helps participants learn by simulating real-world business situations. Silega is represented in over 40 countries around the world, offering more than 10 best-selling business simulations and experiential learning programs.
2. Value Centered Innovation (VCI): VCI is a global leader in enabling innovation across organizations. Over 100,000 people in organizations around the world have benefitted from the concepts and resources for enabling innovation offered by VCI. The VCI curriculum enables organizations develop competencies for the art and discipline of innovation.
According to research, ninety-seven percent of CEOs consider innovation as a key priority for top and bottom-line growth, but only 10% of CEOs view their organizations as innovation leaders. To meet the growing need for building innovation competencies throughout organizations in East Africa, TSL has partnered with Values Centered Innovation® to bring Innovation Styles® to the East Africa.